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Tag Archives: collage

Go Play Project: Day 9 | Midnight at the Oasis

go play Project, 30 days of collage, creativity challenge, camels, Holly Gonzalez, Midnight at the Oasis

Go Play Project – Day 9

Send your camel to bed. As it turns out I’d always misheard this line as “sing your camel to bed,” which sounds so much more interesting, don’t you think? I can’t believe this song was recorded in 1973 and that I remember it so vividly. I’m officially older than old.

But beyond Maria Muldaur’s song, I chose these images (which were actually on the back of a magazine page I had torn out) because without camels, I wouldn’t be here at all. As the story goes, my Iraqi grandfather had the brilliant business idea to bring camels to Mexico and corner the beast-of-burden market. Unfortunately, it was only after he and his camels had traveled half way around the world that he found out that the Mexicans were pretty well set with burros, thanks.

I’m sure you’ve got a fascinating tale to tell about your ancestors. Share it in the comments below, on Facebook, or use it as your own inspiration for your Go Play Project!



Go Play Project

collage, go play, 30 days

Go Play Project – Day 1

In 2012, my college friend (and brilliant pianist) Cathy Shefski launched the Go Play Project, where she recorded one new piano piece every Sunday night for a year. It was wonderful, awe-inspiring, and, as it turned out, too much of a good thing. She boxed up her music, turned her students over to a new teacher, sold her piano, and discovered that, hey, there is life after piano. It’s a pretty interesting blog post, and I encourage you to read it in its entirety here.

Which brings us to her new take on the Go Play Project: a sketch a day for the month of August that’s she’ll post on her blog. She’s not an artist. Hell, she admits to not even being much of a doodler, and I think that’s pretty damn brave.

Which got me to thinking. I’ve been a writer, since, well, forever. But at least since I was around eight years old. And I love what I do, but the idea of a little creative project—that’s not writing-related—that I could bang out every day for a month… I’m in.

I used to belong to a Soul Collage group, and while I never really fully embraced the entire process—”each card a mirror of self and soul”—what really appealed to me was playing with images and creating small collages. It’s a way to stretch myself creatively. There probably won’t be any writing to accompany the images… at least for now.

So that ‘s it. August. 31 days. 31 cards. Go play.

I hope this inspires you to “go play” in your own way. And I’d love to hear about it in the comments.